Day 17 - The Buck's New All-Terrain Tires (Skoolie Remodel)

So we found out some SUPER scary news...Apparently, the previous owner lied when he said the tires were good, and we only needed to replace the front 2 tires. Thanks to Carl, at J&J Custom Fire, Inc., we found out the tires had not been replaced since 2007!!

NEVER TRUST anyone you buy a used vehicle from, PERIOD!!
I don't care how nice they are. REMEMBER they have one motive, to sell that vehicle. You and your family's safety are a distant thought. Joe had even asked the guy, "Would you put your family in it?" and he reassured him, Yes. He also told Joe it was plenty safe to make the trip back from NE to OK on those tires, while it was heavily raining, in fog, and with compromised windshield whippers that they had to attach before leaving NE.

Thank God for his plan and protecting Joe on the way home. And for a family member that was willing to go with Joe just in case something happened. That ended up guiding him in when the driver-side windshield whipper flew off about 8 miles away from home.

In this video, we right some wrongs, and the Buck looks even better for it. It's a long one, but stick it out till the end, first because these awesome guys deserve it, and second, because you will not believe what all it takes to get it done...Keep watching till the end...


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